Table 1. Cloacal pouch dimensions and snout-vent length (SVL) for male and female green iguanas at hatching. Cloacal pouch depth was measured in terms of absolute depth (mm) and femoral pore equivalents (see text). Statistical significance was determined by a two tailed Student t-test.

Female Male p
SVL Min 70 69
Max 77 77
Mean 73.4 73.5 0.98
Std 1.85 1.95
Depth Min 0.95 1.95
Max 1.95 3.50
Mean 1.51 2.61 0.001
Std 0.26 0.41
Width Min 2.10 3.35
Max 3.55 4.55
Mean 2.91 3.96 0.001
Std 0.35 0.27
Pore Min 4 6
Max 8 11
Mean 6.07 8.62 0.001
Std 0.78 1.21